Thinksemi is a leading electronic components distributor offering a wide range of active and passive components such as microcontrollers, amplifiers, clock and timing devices, data devices, diodes, embedded devices, interfaces, logic ICs, memory devices, multiplexers, power management devices, transistors, voltage regulators, resistors, chip capacitors (MLCC), electrolytic capacitors, inductors, and crystals. We can deliver these components for various applications across industries. We are the authorized distributor for Quectel, the world’s leading supplier of 4G, 5G, LTE-A, LTE, GNSS, companion Wi-Fi modules, as well as antennas and SIM cards. Thinksemi supports you in selecting the most appropriate connectors and electromechanical components for your application. We also assist in selecting the most suitable LEDs and displays for your needs.



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